Share text and files easily with




The only data we store is the data you upload/share.
Do not upload/share any personal information or sensitive data.
You can delete the data you have uploaded at any time.

General purpose of Convey Dog

The purpose of Convey Dog is to quickly be able to share text and files.
Each "dog" get's a unique code of six digits and a random word. The data you share is attached to a dog. The dog can be accessed by anyone who has the code and will be accessible until you or anyone else delete or change it.

Data storing

The only data we store is the data you upload/share. The data is stored on Supabase.

You can simply delete the data you have shared at any time. To do so, click the trash icon in the upper right corner of the "Send"-box. For deleting a Paper, click "Delete this paper" at the bottom of the paper page.

Who can see my data

Your data is stored behind a code of six digits and a random word. Anyone who enters this code will be able to access the data so be careful not to share any personal or sensitive data. Password protection might be added in the future.

Papers are stored behind uuids and can be accessed by anyone who has the uuid code.

Share your feedback or feature requests

Feel free to share your feedback or request features on:

You can also share Paper feedback here.

Support and pricing

The goal is to keep the text and file sharing service free forever. Sharing an image, a text or any other file should be quick and simple in today's society.

If you want to support the service, you can donate here:

- Convey Dog Team